Submission Guideline

Looking for rapid publication? Fair peer-review? Immediate indexing? Submit your paper to our journal!

Open Access journals are an ideal platform for the publication of your research enabling you to reach the widest available audience of biomedical professionals in your field of expertise. Publication in our Journal means that your research articles will be available for free access online being immediately citable. Our Journal shortens the time needed before publication, offers a high quality peer-review system, highly-professional scientific copyediting, DOI assignment, and submission to many online directories.

Journal Ethics

The KIU International Journal follows ethical principles laid down by scholarly bodies such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

All manuscripts based on research involving human participants or using human blood, tissues and other samples as also medical records need to be submitted along with a clearance certificate from the Institutional Ethics Committee. In animal studies, authors need to submit a clearance certificate from the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee.
