2022-06-22 604 326

Awareness on Efficacy and Side Effects of Female Contraceptives among Nursing Undergraduates at KIU, Sri Lanka

Kanchana K. T. G, Razzaag, B. A. , Mizna, F. , Shaamila, H. , Saffath, H.
Year: 2022 Volume: 03

Unplanned pregnancies have rapidly emerged as a social issue that significantly degrades the quality of life of parents and children. Therefore, nurses, being a vital part of the health system, should be well-aware regarding contraceptive methods. The objective of the study was to assess awareness of safety, efficacy, and side effects of female contraceptives among nursing undergraduates at KAATSU International University (KIU). Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 362 undergraduate nurses studying at KIU, Sri Lanka, using a convenient sampling method. The data were collected using a self-administered pre-tested questionnaire that consisted of four parts; demographic variables, safety, efficacy and side effects related questions. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson Chi-square test. Out of total, 74.6% (n=270) of the participants had an average awareness regarding different types of female contraceptives and 74.5% (n=270) had average awareness (40-59.9%) regarding major side effects of female contraceptives while the awareness regarding efficacy of different contraceptive methods was found to be only 37% (n=134) related to female condom. Overall, the study revealed that majority of nurses had an average awareness regarding the safety and main side effects of female contraceptive methods, further they had a had a low level of awareness on efficacy of female contraceptive methods. Therefore, it is important to enhance nurses’ awareness related to modern female contraceptive methods. 

Undergraduate nurses , Female contraceptives , Awareness , Efficacy , Side effects

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