2023-10-13 238 113

The Impact of Facebook on Generation Z Consumer’s Fast Food Purchase Intention; Reference to Colombo District, Sri Lanka

Edirisooriya B. T., Liyanasooriya L. A. S. A. D. , Sajeewanie L. A. C.
Year: 2023 Volume: 04

Introduction: Due to the rising appeal of social media platforms among young individuals, fast-food advertisers see them as an efficient channel to promote businesses among youth. The fast-food industry has experienced a surge in popularity in Sri Lanka, particularly among the youth and individuals with hectic schedules. In comparison to other sectors, the franchise fast food industry in Sri Lanka extensively utilizes social media marketing for its promotional efforts
Objectives: To evaluate the impact of Facebook on generation Z consumers’ fast food purchase intention
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 242 generation Z consumers (people born between 1996 and 2010). Online questionnaire was used to gather details regarding consumers' preference for fast food purchases following advertisements on Facebook. Correlation and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to analyze the data using SPSS version 25
Results: Most of the participants were males (62.5%, n=125), who belonged to the age category of 18-25 years. Findings revealed that activities such as Likes (p<0.05), Friend's Likes (p<0.05), Comment posting (p<0.05), and Sharing (p<0.05) on Facebook had a significant impact on the intention to purchase fast food. Additionally, the study indicated generation Z consumers are receptive to fast-food advertising on Facebook
Conclusion: Generation Z consumers are receptive to fast food advertising on Facebook. Therefore, Facebook will be an effective method to promote fast food among generation Z consumers. Further, advertisements on Facebook would enhance the promotion of fast-food vendors

Comment posting and sharing , Fast-foods , Friends likes , Likes , Purchasing intention

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