2024-07-25 159 91

Families’ Perceptions of Support from ICU Nurses in Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya, Sri Lanka

Admin, M.G.T. Dilhani , A.W.A. Premathilaka , K.J.P. Piumali , A.A.C.D. Athukoorala , W.I.C. De Silva , K.H.A.Y. Kariyawasam , A.C.H. Perera , M.W.N. Nisansala , A.A.T.D. Amarasekara
Year: 2024 Volume: 05

Introduction: The admission of a loved one to the Intensive Care Unit

(ICU) is a stressful experience for the family. In this situation, the needs of

family members are often overlooked by nurses focusing on the immediate

needs of critically ill patients. Family-centered care provided by the nurses

can be measured through the family members’ cognitive and emotional perception

of the support provided by the nurses.

Objective: To determine the families’ perception of the support given by

ICU nurses in the Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya, Sri Lanka.

Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among

104 family members of patients who were treated in eight ICUs in the

Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya using a consecutive sampling method. A

self-administered questionnaire consisting of demographic information and

Ice land-family perceived support scale (ICE-FPSQ) was used to collect

data. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and

percentages through SPSS Version 25. Mean scores were calculated for the

cognitive and emotional support subscales. Ethical approval was obtained

from the Ethics Review Committee of KIU (KIU/ERC/21/194).

Results: The mean age of the participants was 38±7 years. Most of the participants

were Sinhalese (92.3%, n=96) and 35-54 years (61.5%, n=64).

Nearly, 34% (n=35) of the participants were spouses of the patients. The

mean value of the overall support score (ICE-FPSQ) was 59.67±12.60 in

dicating good support from ICU nurses. The mean value of cognitive perception

was 21.27±7.30, in the subscale with a maximum value of 25. The

mean value of emotional perception was 38.40±9.60, in the subscale with a

maximum value of 45.

Conclusion: Families’ perception of the support from ICU nurses was relatively

high as indicated by the mean values of the cognitive and emotional

subscales. Although the ICUs are overstretched with work, nurses must

interact with families to offer the necessary support for both patients and

family members, which enables them to manage the situation effectively.

Family-centered care , Emotional support , Cognitive support , ICU Nurses

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